ID9/DJ4EL/p Vulcano

summit on Vulcano Isl. Today Markus was active from Vulcano Summit SOTA Ref.: I/SI-269 – first time activity – and IOTA Ref. EU-017. Vulcano Isl. is 20 km north of eastern Sicily Isl. His signal – with 5 watt only and vertical antenna – was quite well on 15 meter.


ID9/DJ4EL/p SOTA activity

Markus was on air today from Filo dell’Arpa – 653 meters high – first SOTA activation of this summit Ref.: I/SI-288. It’s on Alicudi Island IOTA Ref.: EU-017. Markus was active for 2 hours only. His signal in DL was low but at the end we made the contact.


VK4TDW good morning

Scott, from Queensland Territory, picked me up this morning on 15 meters in FT4 mode. I wkd him with 10 Watt only, good to see that propagation is quite well.


Alaska – NL8F

Tim from, Dutch Harbor – Alaska, picked me up this morning on 20 meters FT8 mode. Signal was realy good.

Dutch Harbor on a very rare calm day
