this morning in FT8 and SSB mode with nice signals.
this morning in FT8 and SSB mode with nice signals.
Due to cold (-3 C.) but sunny weather this morning i replaced the broken pole for the 15 meter vertical. Antenna is working well.
damaged the pole of the 15 meter vertical. Will be replaced within the next day, depending on weather conditions.
to all of you. All the best and many DX.
everybody. Have a nice and peacefull chritmas time.
DX-Pedition came in my FT8 log on 15 meters this morning. Tnx for the new one.
“Roly” from Auckland came in my log this morning in FT8 Mode. I used 10 wats , as ususal.
in FT4/8 as well as in sideband this morning. I made several nice contacts on 15 meters..
DX Pedition wkd this afternoon on 10 meterse SSB with 5/7-5/9 Signal
on 10 meters sideband today. Janusz came in with a good signal. He was easy to work.