Big thunderstorm tonight

with heavy wind direct over my QTH but it moved on. After a short disconetion of the antennas i am back on air. Little damage on the VHF vertical onliy. It can be fixed easily tommorow morning.


Falkland Islands

Bob – VP8LP – is also now in my OE Logbook. Wkd him this afternoon on 15 meters, FT8 mode. His signal was quite well as usual.


Antennas for HF are up

Just finished the set of the verticals fore 10 and 15 meters, as well as an EndFed antenna (23 meters long). Hope to make nice DX or short skip (sporadic E) contacts during my holiday in the mountain.


Arrived in our Holiday QTH

After an short and easy journey from Kaernten area we arrived in out QTH in Pruggern. VHF/UHF station is set up and running. Tomorrow i will start to set up the HF station and the antennas.


Change to Pruggern

After one week, with hicking and relaxing in “Turracher Höhe”, Kaernten area we travel to Pruggern, Steiermak area for a 4 weeks stay in an wonderful wooden cabin (1.200m asl) in the countryside with hicking in the mountains and radio activities.


Arival in Austria

at “Turracher Höhe”, Kärnten area. We start for 1 week in an very nice and very comfortable Hotel Ressort on 1.800 meter asl. Its for hicking and relaxing only.


Ready for Mountain activity

which starts at June 28th from Pruggern. Radios, Antenna and all the other stuff is well prepared and we are ready for departure.
