Texel Island – EU-038

2024 Texel island activit 1th partran from May 14th until 26th. A seconf part is planed for later in the year (Indian Summer time). Call sign is PD/DO1BEN.

Texel is located in the northern part of The Netherlands in the Wadden See. Texel Island is IOTA Ref.: EU-038.

QTH: De Cocksdorp Locator: JO23KD

There is also a Lighthouse on the Island. It’s valid for World Lighthouse On The Air award.  WLOTA Ref.: LH 0043

TRX will be Yaesu FT2000. I use self made vertical antennas for 10 and 20 meters. And for 40 meters an inverted V (wide space) dipole. For testing i will set up an EndFed antenna 23 m long, feeded in 12 m high. Activities are in sideband operations and as in 2021 started also again in FT8/FT4 mode.

Power in FT8/FT4 is 10 watt only from Icom IC-705.

In addition we will be active on VHF (sideband and FT8 operations) as well as on local FM frequencies..

Hope to see you all down the logs..

Planings for 2024 second activity will be announced here later.

Former activities, from the same place, where in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 (two activies), 2021, 2022 (two activities) and 2023 (also two activities).

Some picts from our location and our tours will be availabe later, please – click here –.

Texel QSL card preview is available – please click here –.